
Page 3 of 197 results.

  • Partners
    Numerous agencies, organisations and groups have direct and indirect interests in the management of natural resources in the Port Phillip & Western Port region. In terms of expertise and resources,...
  • Strategy development
    Learning from the past and looking ahead Researching and compiling the Regional Catchment Strategy was a major responsibility of the Port Phillip & Westernport Catchment Management Authority (now Melbourne Water). This...
  • Updates and review
    Several factors can impact on the currency of this Regional Catchment Strategy, such as sudden changes to environmental conditions, access to new data or information, movements in government policy and...
  • Waterways
    Values of our rivers, creeks and streams The Port Phillip & Western Port region holds more than 25,000 kilometres of rivers and creeks. Collectively they gather water from the landscape...
  • Groundwater
    A hidden resource Groundwater is water that is found below the surface of the ground.  It may be out of sight, but it is a highly valuable resource which supports...
  • Sustainable agriculture
    Our local foodbowl The Port Phillip & Western Port region produces a significant amount of fresh food and other produce in its green wedges, peri-urban fringe and outer rural areas...
  • Land use
    The land on which we live The Port Phillip and Western Port region covers around 1.28 million hectares, or 5.6 per cent of Victoria.  The urban area currently covers around...
  • Native vegetation
    The importance of native vegetation The diversity, extent and quality of native vegetation is a cornerstone for the health and resilience of ecosystems and all of the living things within...
  • Native animals
    All creatures great and small The Port Phillip and Western Port region is home to national icons like koalas, kangaroos and platypus as well as unique local species like the...
  • Coasts
    Values of our coasts This region has more than 600 kilometres of coast fronting Port Phillip Bay, Western Port and Bass Strait. Coastal environments are the interface between marine and...
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