Policy context

Integrated catchment management across Victoria

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and Victoria’s 10 Catchment Management Authorities have together developed this framework illustrating the aims of integrated catchment management in Victoria. The framework:

  • summarises the high level, state-wide outcomes and directions sought by the Victorian Government
  • identifies a set of region-scale measures that will be included in all Regional Catchment Strategies to contribute to the state-wide goals and also improve the consistency of monitoring and reporting across Victoria.

Policy context for this Regional Catchment Strategy

This Regional Catchment Strategy is prepared under provisions of the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 in line with objectives of the Act including to balance land productivity and conservation outcomes and to encourage and support community engagement.

There are numerous other Acts, policies and plans in place at the national, state and regional level that also guide and influence natural resource management in this region and are reflected in this Regional Catchment Strategy. Many of the policies and plans focus on a particular theme. An aim of this Regional Catchment Strategy is to explain how they all fit together to assist and improve integration and coordination across themes and across the many organisations and communities involved in natural resource management in this region.

The following diagram shows a number of the policies and plans that have been considered in the development of this Regional Catchment Strategy.