Connecting the Dots - Buloke Protection

Landholder incentives and engagement to assist the last remnants of Bulokes in the area

“Connecting the Dots – Buloke Protection” will target the Balliang plains, from the foothills of the Brisbane Ranges to the You Yangs where scattered Bulokes are seen throughout the landscape.

The project will incorporate an extensive landholder incentives and engagement program to assist with the mapping of the last remnants of Bulokes in the district. The landholder incentives program will aim to raise awareness of the Bulokes in the area and the plant communities that they reside in and provide much needed on ground support in the protection of the species. The program will include targeted pest plant and animal control works, stock exclusion fencing, targeted revegetation works around the remnants to increase the number of individual Bulokes and establish the supporting vegetation underneath. Where the opportunity arises, establish biolinks between the scattered trees and patches, and encourage permanent protection over these areas.

Themes and Local Areas

Primary Theme:Native Vegetation
Other Themes:Waterways, Native Animals, Land Use
Primary Local Area:Moorabool, Melton, Wyndham & Greater Geelong
Other Local Areas:
Project location:Werribee Catchment within the Grow West project area, on the Balliang Plains
Scale of the project:Landscape
New or continuing work:New project/work

Project partners

Lead organisation:Melbourne Water
Key partners:Trust for Nature, Melbourne Water, Brisbane Ranges Landcare Group, Moorabool Landcare Network, local government authorities (Moorabool & Greater Geelong), Wadawurrung.
Registered Aboriginal Party/s relevant to the project or its area:Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation

Investment opportunities

Opportunities for investors within this project start from:$$ (Tens of thousands of dollars)
Estimated scale of investment for full project implementation:$$$ (Hundreds of thousands of dollars)
Estimated timeframe for full project implementation:2-10 years

Contribution toward targets

Primary Regional Catchment Strategy target and contribution to its achievement:Threatened vegetation – All threatened native vegetation species in the region are retained and are self-sustainable, secure, healthy and resilient
Relevant Biodiversity 2037 goal:Revegetate priority areas for connectivity between habitats
Relevant National Landcare Program priority:Ecological communities – Grassy Eucalypt Woodland and/or Natural Temperate Grassland of the Victorian Volcanic Plain – Condition improved

More information

Part of the Grow West project objectives –