Greens Bush to Arthurs Seat Biolink

Stepping stones of natural habitat across the Mornington Peninsula

This ongoing project seeks to connect two significant areas of remnant vegetation, Arthurs Seat State Park and Mornington Peninsula National Park (Greens Bush) through weeding and fencing of remnants and revegetation, improving habitat and opportunities for movement across the landscape, native fauna will benefit from community pest control and nestbox installation.

Themes and Local Areas

Primary Theme:Native vegetation
Other Themes:Native animals, Waterways, Communities
Primary Local Area:Mornington Peninsula
Other Local Areas:
Project location:This project will work across the Mornington Peninsula from Greens Bush to Arthurs Seat
Scale of the project:Landscape
New or continuing work:Continuing/building on previous work

Project partners

Lead organisation:Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network
Key partners:Mornington Peninsula Shire Council, Melbourne Water, Birdlife Australia (Mornington Peninsula branch), Parks Victoria, Chisholm TAFE, Holmesglen TAFE, Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, Local schools and scout groups
Registered Aboriginal Party/s relevant to the project or its area:Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Investment opportunities

Opportunities for investors within this project start from:$$ (Tens of thousands of dollars)
Estimated scale of investment for full project implementation:$$$ (Hundreds of thousands of dollars)
Estimated timeframe for full project implementation:2-10 years

Contribution toward targets

Primary Regional Catchment Strategy target and contribution to its achievement:Major new biolinks – Significant, sustained revegetation programs have been undertaken from 2021 to 2050 and have created numerous major biolinks in priority locations across the region
Relevant Biodiversity 2037 goal:Revegetation of priority areas for connectivity between habitats
Relevant National Landcare Program priority:Soil, biodiversity and vegetation – Projects that will protect and enhance on-farm remnant native vegetation

More information

Contact the Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network