Expanding the use of recycled water
Greater Western Water is exploring the feasibility of expanding its recycled water network to service key customers in the Werribee Parks Precinct, including Werribee Open Range Zoo, and key open spaces in Werribee City Centre.
This $5.4 million expansion project has the potential to secure a reliable, low salt, fit-for-purpose alternative water source for local customers, substituting over 210ML per year of river water extractions with recycled water.
The Victorian Government has invested $2 million in this project Building Works package to boost the future visitor economy and support the expansion of the Zoo and improve the health of the Werribee River.
Ultimately, the project could return river water to the environment and increase the volume of recycled water supplied by Greater Western Water by around 477ML per year. This project supports the long-term resilience of Victoria’s water system by reducing reliance on river water extractions and the discharge of wastewater to Port Phillip Bay.
This project is Action 9 in the Werribee Integrated Water Management Forum’s Strategic Directions Statement.

Themes and Local Areas
Primary Theme: | Water Supply and Use |
Other Themes: | Waterways, Marine Environments, Communities, Climate Change |
Primary Local Area: | Moorabool, Melton, Wyndham & Greater Geelong |
Other Local Areas: | |
Project location: | Werribee Parks Precinct and Werribee City Centre |
Scale of the project: | Landscape |
New or continuing work: | New work |
Project partners
Lead organisation: | Greater Western Water |
Key partners: | Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), Melbourne Water |
Registered Aboriginal Party/s relevant to the project or its area: | Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation |
Investment opportunities
Opportunities for investors within this project start from: | $$ (Tens of thousands of dollars) |
Estimated scale of investment for full project implementation: | $$$$ (Millions of dollars) |
Estimated timeframe for full project implementation: | 2-10 years |
Contribution toward targets
Primary Regional Catchment Strategy target: | 1.1 Water supply and use – Adequate and stable water supplies have been secured for households, businesses, farms, Traditional Owners and the environment. Various water supply options have been effectively harnessed including stormwater harvesting, manufactured water and recycled water use. Water is shared, distributed and used efficiently by all users. |
Relevant Biodiversity 2037 goal: | – |
Relevant National Landcare Program priority: | – |
More information
This work is part of the program being coordinated by the Werribee Integrated Water Management Forum. https://www.water.vic.gov.au/liveable/integrated-water-management-program/forums